The drones used in The Lab are to move Carrots and Odd Onions to the Incinerator. 2 drones per expansion, one to move food to Food Collectors and another to move Plorts to the Market. So yeah, uaing tangles next to food to self feed, puddles and fires, we get a solid 57360 a day for nothing. Let me know if theres anything youd change.

That leaves with a solid 2160 (maybe 2280) new bucks a day. 8 plorts each a day is 720 (maybe 760) plorts a day selling for I think at least 30. Puddles produce a plort every 3 in game hours, so that is what 8 a day per? Well with 5 per batch and what 18 batches (might be 19, depending on how many plots Mochi has, I think it is 5) that is a total of 90 (maybe 95) slimes. This leaves 3 expansions, and 2 sections of 2 others for puddles. That means that is at least 4800 a day from fires alone, which when added to the previous count means we are currently at 55200 a day with no work. Plort tier I would need to check again but I believe this is a minimum 30. We get about 40 fires eating, going 2 feedings each every twelve minutes so that's 80 plorts every 12 minutes or 160 a day. So you can have one pick up plorts and the second fill the auto-feeder, and you can have this. This is only boosted by having a ridiculous amount of puddles and fires for simplicity. You can only have two drones per section of the ranch, not total. (duh) One will be used to harvest food and put it into auto feeders, (well call him 'FarmerBot') the other will be used to take plorts from plort collecters and put them in the plort market.

So that 25200 is for 1 expansion, 2 which are half as effective, that adds up to 50400 with no work besides waking drones. Well, first allow me to explain where the magic happens: the drones. Well drones do that, at the cost of a splash a day. Prior to 1.3 you could nearly automate 3 of the 7 expansions, but sadly you couldn't sell plorts automatically. Welcome tangles, the slime that breaks the attempt to limit automation. Note that 25200 cash is from doing nothing.

That's a minimum of 25200 a day from a single expansion. I personally just sell everything, doesnt matter how much things are worth when you get roughly 160 plorts every 7 minutes (irl) that have a minimum value of 60.